Learn to Glow

Bakuchiol Before or After Vitamin C? Yes, the Order Matters

Alright, skincare fanatics, we're about to dive deep into a topic that's been lighting up the beauty boards for a hot minute.  At some point you’ve probably wondered, "Should I use bakuchiol before or after vitamin C?" Let's break down this skincare mixology conundrum, providing you with practical tips, empowering knowledge, and some seriously skin-loving advice. Can bakuchiol be used together with...

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Does Moisturizing Help Purging? A No-Nonsense Guide

Alright, let's cut to the chase!  You're here because you're wondering, "Does moisturizing really help with purging?".  Well, we’re about to spill the tea!  So settle in and get comfy, because we've got all the deets you need right here.  Let's dive right in! Should I use moisturizer while purging? Well, for fab skin fans, this question is a bit of a...

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Niacinamide Before or After Peptides? Yes, There’s a Right Answer

"Should I put on my niacinamide before or after my peptides?" A question that has bugged every skincare addict at some point. Well, it's time we chatted about it, ain't it? Which goes first: niacinamide or peptides?   Firstly, it's pivotal to understand - each of these key players, niacinamide and peptides, brings something unique to the palette.  Niacinamide, that poster child...

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Do I Need Moisturizer After Rosehip Oil? The Honest Answer

Okay, dear reader, let's get right into it. You're a new convert to rosehip oil, but do you need moisturizer afterwards? Let's set the record straight for good. Can I use rosehip oil without moisturizer? And the answer is... Absolutely, you can use rosehip oil without moisturizer! Rosehip oil, rich in skin-nourishing vitamins and essential fatty acids, is fully capable of flying...

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Should You Use Bakuchiol or Vitamin C? Here’s the Easy Answer

Hey there, skin care enthusiasts!  Wondering whether to hook up with bakuchiol or pledge your loyalty to the reigning skin care champ, vitamin C?  Well, it's time to bust the confusion and dive deep into the glowing details.  Bakuchiol vs Vitamin C: Which is Better for Your Skin? Both of these powerhouse ingredients have earned their stripes in the skincare world,  but...

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Here Are the Top 4 Mistakes People Make When Using Azelaic Acid!

Alright skinfluencers, beauty buffs, and free radical warriors - let's talk azelaic acid!  Now you're probably thinking, "I already know all I need to know. I'm using it, right?"  Well, we're about to feed you some knowledge nuggets that will change your skincare game. Azelaic acid, our skin's BFF, is a seriously versatile little wonder ingredient.  It helps reduce redness, acne, hyperpigmentation...

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Why Is Kojic Acid Making Me Darker? The Straight Answer

Hey there, beauty aficionados!  So, you've been slathering on that kojic acid cream, expecting to be glowing like a moonbeam, but instead, you're seeing your skin turn darker.  Quite the bummer, huh?  Don't worry, honey, we're here to unpack this mind-boggling secret of the skin-care world. Why does kojic acid darken my skin? You've started using kojic acid as part of your...

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