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What Are the Downsides of Bakuchiol?

by Ella Goodman 08 Feb 2024

In the vibrant world of skincare, where buzzwords bloom like wildflowers, one has risen above the rest, captivating hearts and faces alike: bakuchiol. 

Pronounced 'buh-koo-chee-all', it's not just another trend to swipe past on your quest for eternal youth. 

No, it's the plant-based darling of the beauty realm, hailed as nature's answer to retinol

But before you dive headfirst into the bakuchiol bandwagon, let's spill the tea on what's really going down when this botanical superstar meets your skin. 

Spoiler alert: It's not (all) rainbows and clear complexions.

Does Bakuchiol Have Side Effects?

"Wait, what? Side effects?" you ask, eyebrows knitted in concern. 

Yes, my friend, even the greenest grass has its patches of brown, and bakuchiol is no exception. 

While it's celebrated for its gentler approach compared to retinol, assuming it's a free pass to flawless skin with no hiccups is like expecting to nail a TikTok dance on the first try – overly optimistic.

Let's dive deep, beyond the surface-level fluff, into what those side effects really mean for you and your quest for complexion perfection.

Irritation: The Unwanted Guest

Imagine inviting bakuchiol to the party, expecting it to mingle seamlessly with your skin's inner circle. 

But instead of blending in, it steps on a few toes. Irritation, though less common with bakuchiol compared to its more aggressive cousin retinol, can still crash the party. 

This is especially true for the skincare newbies or those with ultra-sensitive skin who might find even this gentle ingredient a bit too forward.

It's like going for a light jog and ending up with a stitch - not the end of the world, but a sign to slow down. 

If bakuchiol is causing a bit of a stir, consider dialing back the frequency of use. Start with a couple of nights a week and see how your skin takes it. 

Remember, skincare is not a race; it's a marathon. The goal is glowing skin, not getting there at lightning speed.

Allergies: The Patch Test Hero

Now, onto allergies. 

Just because bakuchiol is derived from the natural babchi plant doesn't give it an all-access pass to your skincare routine. 

Allergies are like your skin's way of saying, "I'm not vibing with this." 

And who can blame it? The skin is your largest organ, and it's picky about its friends.

This is where the superhero of skincare steps in: the patch test. 

This simple act of caution is like a first date in a public place – safe, smart, and necessary. 

Apply a small amount of bakuchiol to a hidden area and give it 24 to 48 hours. It's the skincare equivalent of dipping your toes in the water before diving in. 

No reaction? Fantastic, proceed with cautious optimism. 

Redness, itching, or bumps? Your skin is swiping left, and it's time to listen.

The Reality Check

Navigating the potential side effects of bakuchiol requires a mix of enthusiasm for its benefits and respect for its power. 

Yes, it offers a gentler alternative to retinol, promising similar anti-aging and skin-smoothing results without the usual drama. But, like any skincare ingredient worth its salt, bakuchiol isn't a one-size-fits-all miracle.

Understanding that mild irritation and allergies are possible helps set realistic expectations. It's about finding that sweet spot where bakuchiol enhances your skincare routine without overstaying its welcome. 

Tailoring its use to your skin's tolerance and needs ensures you reap the benefits without unnecessary discomfort.

Embracing Bakuchiol with Eyes Wide Open

In the grand scheme of things, bakuchiol's side effects are relatively minor, especially when compared to the more potent alternatives. 

But knowledge is power, and being informed means you can approach this botanical powerhouse with the right mix of excitement and caution.

Can You Overuse Bakuchiol?

Overzealous in your pursuits for perfection? 

Pump the brakes, beauty warrior. Dousing your skin in bakuchiol like it's going out of style isn't the key to unlocking the fountain of youth. 

More isn't always more… except when it comes to cake, maybe.

Bakuchiol: Handle with Care

Picture this: you've discovered bakuchiol, your new skincare crush. Its promises of smoother, firmer, more glorious skin have you swooning. 

But hold up—enthusiasm, while admirable, can lead you down a path where your skin's singing the blues, not praises. 

Bakuchiol, for all its plant-powered prowess, is still a potent ingredient. It's like a spice in your favorite dish; the right amount can transform it, but too much and you're reaching for the water glass.

The Telltale Signs of Overindulgence

When you lavish your skin with more bakuchiol than it signed up for, it's not going to thank you. Instead, it might retaliate with dryness, tightness, or even a sensitivity flare-up you didn't see coming. 

Imagine your skin's barrier as a nightclub bouncer; it's there to keep the peace. 

Bombard it with too much bakuchiol, and you're essentially causing a commotion, leading to irritation and compromised skin integrity.

Here's the kicker: overuse doesn't just annoy your skin in the short term—it could dampen the long-term benefits you're after. 

You're aiming for rejuvenation, not rebellion. When skin becomes overly dry or irritated, it's too busy putting out fires to focus on the regenerative party you wanted to host.

The Dosage Dance: Finding Your Rhythm

The secret to making bakuchiol your skin's BFF lies in the dosage dance. 

Start with a slow waltz, not a breakneck boogie. 

Most products will guide you with recommended amounts—this is your choreography, designed to let bakuchiol's benefits shine without stepping on your skin's toes. Think of it as following a recipe; precision leads to perfection.

But how do you know if you're overdoing it?

Listen to your skin's feedback. 

If it starts sending SOS signals (read: irritation, dryness, sensitivity), it's time to scale back. Maybe you're applying bakuchiol nightly when your skin would prefer a thrice-weekly meet-up. Adjusting your routine can turn a skincare faux pas into a harmonious relationship.

Does Your Skin Purge With Bakuchiol?

Ah, the infamous purge – a rite of passage in the skincare world. 

While bakuchiol is less likely to send your skin on a purge pilgrimage compared to retinol, it's not unheard of. 

Let's decode this phenomenon and arm you with the knowledge to navigate it like a pro.

The Lowdown on Purging

First things first, understanding what purging really means can take the edge off. 

When you introduce active ingredients like bakuchiol, which accelerates cell turnover, your skin begins to expedite its renewal process. 

This fast track to fresh, new skin can also mean that clogged pores and minor imperfections beneath the surface get pushed out more rapidly. It's like your skin is hitting the fast-forward button on revealing potential breakouts that were already in the pipeline.

Bakuchiol: The Gentle Instigator

Now, bakuchiol, with its retinol-like prowess, steps into this process with a kinder, gentler approach. 

Its claim to fame is offering the benefits of retinol without the harsh side effects. This means that while it does get the skin's renewal engine running, it's less likely to cause the aggressive purging often associated with stronger retinoids. 

However, it's important to note that everyone's skin is unique. Some might experience a mild purge, while others may sail through without a blemish in sight.

Recognizing the Signs

How do you tell if what you're experiencing is a purge or a reaction? 

Purging typically occurs in areas where you frequently break out and looks like your usual blemishes, just more of them. 

If you start noticing issues in new areas or the problems persist beyond a few weeks, it might be time to reconsider your bakuchiol use. 

Remember, a purge is temporary—a brief storm before the calm of clearer skies.

Patience, Padawan

Patience is your ally in the purge. 

It might be tempting to call it quits at the first sign of trouble, but give your skin a moment to adjust. 

Typically, a purge can last anywhere from a few weeks to a month. During this time, keep your routine simple and focus on hydration and protection. Overloading your skin with additional actives can complicate the process, turning a simple purge into a skincare saga.

Managing the Purge

While riding out the purge, there are a few strategies to help ease the journey:

  • Stay Hydrated: Keeping your skin moisturized can help mitigate irritation and support the healing process.

  • Sun Protection: With increased cell turnover, your skin is more vulnerable to UV damage. A broad-spectrum SPF is non-negotiable.

  • Gentle Cleansing: Opt for a gentle cleanser that won't strip your skin, maintaining its natural barrier function.

  • Resist Picking: Tempting as it may be, picking at your skin can lead to scarring and prolong the healing process.

The Light at the End

The bakuchiol purge, should you experience it, is not a deal-breaker but a phase. It's your skin's way of shedding the old to make way for the new. 


With a bit of patience and some strategic skincare moves, you'll navigate this phase with finesse, emerging on the other side with the glowing, vibrant skin that bakuchiol promises.

What to Avoid When Using Bakuchiol?

Mixing bakuchiol with certain skincare ingredients is like adding ketchup to ice cream – a questionable combo that can spoil a good thing. 

To keep your skin in the harmony of a well-orchestrated symphony, there are a few no-nos to note.

Exfoliation Overload: The Skin's Cry for Moderation

First up on our list of skincare faux pas is over-exfoliation. 

Imagine bakuchiol as the diligent worker it is, gently accelerating your skin's natural renewal process, bringing fresh, new cells to the forefront for their moment in the sun. 

Now, if you decide to introduce more exfoliants into the mix, it's akin to throwing a curveball in this delicate balance.

Incorporating harsh scrubs or chemical exfoliants like AHAs (glycolic acid) and BHAs (salicylic acid) on top of your bakuchiol routine can push your skin from the land of glow into the valley of irritation. 

This doesn't mean you need to shun these ingredients altogether; rather, it's about timing and frequency. 

Think of your skincare routine as a carefully curated playlist – not every song fits the vibe. Alternate days between bakuchiol and other exfoliants, or use them at different times of the day to avoid overwhelming your skin's natural rhythm.

The Sunscreen Symphony: A Non-Negotiable Duet

Ah, the sun! 

While it blesses us with vitamin D and picturesque sunsets, it's not always a friend to our skincare actives. 

Bakuchiol, though not as notorious for causing photosensitivity as retinol, still warrants a word of caution. As you usher in this botanical powerhouse into your routine, coupling it with a broad-spectrum SPF becomes more than just advice – it's a commandment.

This protective measure isn't just about preventing sunburns; it's about safeguarding the progress bakuchiol is making. 

UV exposure can undo the benefits you're seeking from bakuchiol, such as reducing fine lines and evening out skin tone. 

So, layer on that SPF like it's the final, protective note in your skincare symphony, ensuring the melody of your skin's health continues to play beautifully, day after day.

The Ingredient Tango: Knowing When to Step Back

While bakuchiol plays well with many skincare ingredients, enhancing its benefits with hydrators and antioxidants, there are times when less is more. 

Retinol, for instance, may seem like an intriguing partner to double down on anti-aging efforts, but mixing the two could lead to irritation without offering additional benefits. 

It's like trying to dance a tango alone; you might manage it, but it's not quite the same.

They CAN work together, but it’s a bit of a skincare grandmaster move that’s beyond the scope of this guide.

Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, is another partner to approach with caution. 

While not a strict no-no, combining it with bakuchiol could potentially irritate sensitive skin types. Consider using vitamin C in the morning and bakuchiol at night, allowing each to shine in its own right without stepping on each other's toes.

So there you have it, the lowdown on bakuchiol's potential downsides, served with a side of sass and a sprinkle of wisdom. 

As you embark on this journey towards a glow that could guide ships home, remember: knowledge is power, especially when it comes to navigating the high seas of skincare. 

Bakuchiol might just be the treasure you've been searching for — as long as you're savvy about how you use it. 

Happy hunting, skincare aficionados!

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