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Rosehip Oil Before or After Retinol? (Yes, the Order Matters)

by Ella Goodman 27 Sep 2024

Alright, let's talk skincare sorcery. 

If you've landed here, you're probably deep into the rabbit hole of nighttime skincare routines, hunting for that glow-up potion combo. 

And hey, I get it—it's confusing out there. 

Between all the serums, oils, and treatments, where does one even start? 

But regardless of how you got here, rosehip oil and retinol are two heavy-hitters you're rightfully curious about.

Here’s the question du jour: Should you use rosehip oil before or after retinol? 

The short answer? Use retinol first, then rosehip oil

But if you want to know why — AND the skincare science that could make or break your glow-up — then onwards, dear reader. 

Trust me, by the end of this, you’ll be the skincare guru your friends flock to.

The Ingredients: Meet the Stars

First up, let's do a quick red carpet intro of our leading skincare stars.

Rosehip Oil


  • Extracted from the seeds of the wild rose bush.
  • Packed with vitamins A and C, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants.
  • Think of it as nature’s multi-tool for your face.


  • Hydrates like a boss.
  • Fades scars and hyperpigmentation.
  • Boosts collagen and fights aging.

Rosehip oil isn't just another trendy bottle on your shelf—it’s a powerhouse. 

Imagine the magical elixir that Cleopatra or some mystical woodland fairy (we couldn’t think of anything to compare to Cleopatra, okay?) might have sworn by. It's luxurious yet unassuming, seeping deep into your skin layers to perform miracles.



  • A derivative of vitamin A.
  • The OG anti-aging compound in skincare.


  • Speeds up cell turnover.
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Clears up acne and evens skin tone.

Retinol is the big leagues—the heavyweight champ of skincare. It’s as if a time machine and a skin-refining genie had a baby. 

The kind of ingredient that flips the aging process the bird and kicks blemishes to the curb.

The Science Behind the Sequence

Here’s where we dive into the logic behind the layering.

Why Retinol Comes First

  1. Maximal Absorption:
  • Retinol is a small molecule designed to penetrate deep into your skin.
  • If you apply rosehip oil first, you're setting up a lipid barrier that can prevent your skin from receiving the full retinol hit.
  1. Optimized Skin Reaction:
  • Retinol can be intense, especially if you’re a newbie. Your skin may react better if it’s not already coated in oil.

Think of retinol as the drill sergeant that needs direct access to whip your skin cells into shape without anything getting in the way.

The Role of Rosehip Oil

1. Soothing Sensation:

  • Retinol can be drying and irritating. Rosehip oil swoops in afterward to hydrate and calm your skin.

2. Enhanced Benefits:

  • Applying rosehip oil after helps seal in the retinol, making sure all those age-fighting benefits don't evaporate into thin air.

It's like sending in the nurturing diplomat after the tough love of retinol. Rosehip oil soothes your skin while locking in all the powerful, transformative work retinol has done.

How To Layer It: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Alright, now that the science class is over, let’s get down to the practical bits. Here’s how you maximize your skincare’s potential, step by step.

Step 1: Cleanse

Clean skin is a must. Use a gentle cleanser to get rid of grime and makeup.

This step sets the stage—your face is a blank canvas ready for the retinol magic and rosehip oil serenity to take place.

Step 2: Pat Dry

No rubbing! Gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel. Your skin should be slightly damp, not dripping wet.

A slightly damp face allows for better absorption of products without irritating the skin.

Step 3: Retinol Application

Apply a pea-sized amount of retinol to your face and neck. Imagine it like a canvas you're prepping for a masterpiece.

  • Use your fingertips to gently massage it into your skin.
  • Focus on areas with fine lines or breakouts.
  • Avoid the delicate eye area unless your retinol is specifically formulated for it.

Retinol needs a good 10-20 minutes to absorb fully. Think of this time as a mini intermission—pop on some calming tunes or catch up on the latest skincare guru's vlog.

Step 4: Wait

Patience is key. Let the retinol seep into your skin fully.

Use this time to chill. Maybe brew a cup of chamomile tea or indulge in a little social media scrolling. Just don't cram your face into a pillow; let the serum do its work.

Step 5: Rosehip Oil Application

Now, it's time for the grand finale—rosehip oil. Use about 2-3 drops and press it into your skin.

  • Warm the oil between your fingertips.
  • Gently pat, don't rub, the oil into your skin.
  • This not only soothes but also seals in the retinol, locking in moisture and nutrients.

Rosehip oil is like wrapping your skin in a breathable, comforting blanket. It hydrates and repairs any retinol-induced irritation, while its antioxidants get to work.

And if you want to take your glow to the next level? Grab a bottle of a facial oil that combines rosehip with other skin-loving oils (think argan and sea buckthorn) — like our radiance-boosting Citrus Glow Drops!

Step 6: Sleep Tight

Now sleep, beautiful! Let these two powerhouses work their overnight magic.

The Personal Touch: Tips & Tricks

Still not convinced? Here are some additional nuggets of wisdom to help you nail this routine:

1. Patch Test:

  • Always patch test new products.
  • Apply a small amount on your wrist or behind your ear and wait 24-48 hours to see how your skin reacts.

2. Alternate Nights:

  • If your skin is super sensitive, alternate between retinol and rosehip oil nights.
  • This way, your skin gets accustomed to both without overwhelming it.

3. Start Slow:

  • You don’t have to jump straight into nightly use. Start with using retinol twice a week and gradually increase.

4. Sun Protection:

  • Retinol makes your skin more sensitive to the sun, so never skip sunscreen in the morning after you've used retinol the previous night.

5. Consistency Is Key:

  • Skincare is a marathon, not a sprint. Stick to this routine consistently and give it a few weeks to see noticeable results.

Pro Tips You Didn’t Know You Needed

We're not stopping there. Oh no, darling! 

Here's some insider knowledge to take your routine from good to extraordinary.

Store It Smart

Retinol’s kryptonite? Light and air. 

To keep this superhero at peak potency, consider storing it in a dark, cool place. 

Think of it like a fine wine; it gets better when cared for properly. Keeping it in its original container with an opaque packaging and a tight seal can also supercharge its shelf life. No more retinol slapdash tucked away in random drawers—give it a proper home.

Sunscreen is Non-Negotiable

If retinol is the queen of nighttime skincare, sunscreen is the king of daytime protection. 

UV rays are sneaky little beings, and retinol makes your skin more vulnerable to their mischief. 

A high SPF sunscreen is your best shield—slather it on, without fail. Not just during summer but every. Single. Day. 

Trust, this step is non-negotiable. Sun damage is real, and prevention is way easier than correction.

Go Slow and Steady

Retinol is a powerhouse, but it’s also potent. For newbies, start with a lower concentration to pave the way. It’s a marathon, not a sprint—your skin needs to acclimate. 

Gradually work up to higher concentrations. Starting slow minimizes irritation and gives your skin time to fall in love with retinol at its own pace. Your patience will pay off in luminosity and youthfulness.

Hydrate Like a Camel

Skincare isn’t just what you slather on; it’s what you sip too. Hydration impacts your skin more than you think. 

Drinking plenty of water keeps your skin plump and promotes elasticity. It’s one of those insider tricks that seem too simple to be true—but it works. Hydrate within, glow without. Camel-level hydration is the goal.


Let's separate fact from fiction and debunk some rumors that might have you second-guessing your regimen.

Myth 1: Oil-Free Skin Can’t Use Rosehip Oil

Oh, honey, no! Rosehip oil is non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores. Even if you’re battling oily or acne-prone skin, this oil is your friend. 

Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, it helps to regulate sebum production and even out skin tone. Less oil, more glow—what’s not to love?

Myth 2: Retinol Thins Your Skin

Incorrect. While some believe retinol can thin the skin, it actually strengthens the dermis, the deeper layer of your skin. 

Over time, this results in thicker, better-supported skin, improving firmness and elasticity. So, you can lay that myth to rest and embrace retinol’s true benefits.

Real-Life Transformations: You're Not Alone

Believe it or not, the journey you're on isn’t solitary. 

Meet some real people who swear by the dynamic duo of rosehip oil and retinol:

Sarah, 34:

“I struggled with adult acne and scarring for years. This combo transformed my skin over six months. Hello, confidence boost!”

James, 42:

“I was skeptical at first but started seeing changes within eight weeks. Fine lines? Gone. Pigmentation? Significantly reduced. My wife couldn’t believe it!”

These stories aren’t one-offs. Countless people have experienced the game-changing magic of integrating these products into their routines. Your transformation is next.

Curiosity Corner: Fun Facts

Let’s sprinkle in some savory nuggets of knowledge.

  • Rosehip oil has been a prestigious beauty secret since ancient times, adored by the Egyptians and Mayans.
  • Retinol got the FDA's nod in the 1970s originally for acne treatment, paving the way for its stellar skincare reputation.
  • Rosehip oil thrives in the harsh climates of the Andes Mountains, infusing it with super resilience and efficacy.

Wrapping It Up

Consider this your ultimate guide to harnessing the powerhouse duo of rosehip oil and retinol. This is your ticket to brighter, clearer, more youthful skin. 

Stick to the order—retinol first, rosehip oil second—and your skin will thank you.

Feeling more empowered already? Share this glow-inducing wisdom with your friends. Because in the realm of skincare, we’re all in this glow-up journey together.

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