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The Weird Skincare Habit That Keeps Jennifer Lopez Looking Half Her Age

by Ella Goodman 16 Sep 2024

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. 

Ever wondered how JLo manages to defy time so effortlessly? 

She’s over 50 and has skin smoother than a baby’s cheeks! 

It’s like she discovered the fountain of youth or made a deal with some kind of skincare sorcerer. 

But guess what? 

There's no dark magic here; her beauty secrets are actually quite practical (though some of them are definitely unexpected… you’ll see what we mean). 

Whether it’s her love for olive oil or her quirky use of placenta cream, let’s break down these niche skincare habits that keep Jennifer Lopez looking forever young—and how you can make them work for you.


The Power of Olive Oil: Mediterranean Magic for Your Skin

First up on the list is olive oil. 

Yes, you heard that right. Olive oil isn’t just for making a luscious vinaigrette; JLo uses it to keep her skin hydrated and glowing. 

Here’s why you should consider adding it to your skincare routine:

  • Hydration Heaven: Olive oil is packed with antioxidants and vitamins A, D, E, and K. It’s like a full-course meal for your skin!
  • Combat Aging: The antioxidants in olive oil protect your skin from free radicals, those pesky molecules that accelerate aging.

Practical Tip: After cleansing your face at night, massage a few drops of extra virgin olive oil into your skin. If you’re worried about it being too oily, blend it with a bit of lightweight moisturizer.

Recipe for Radiance: Mix a tablespoon of olive oil with a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of turmeric. Apply this mask once a week, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, and wash off to reveal a glowing complexion. 

Pro tip: You know what other oils are total ninjas for anti-aging? Argan oil, rosehip oil and sea buckthorn oil. So here’s all of them in one $20 bottle!


Sunscreen Every Single Day: JLo’s Non-Negotiable Habit

Brace yourself for this—JLo has been religiously using sunscreen every day since she was 22. 

Rain or shine, indoors or outdoors, she's slathering on the SPF.

  • Block the Rays: UV rays are the biggest culprits behind premature aging. Sunscreen acts as a shield against these harmful rays.
  • Daily Defense: Protects against skin cancer and maintains an even skin tone.

Practical Tip: Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Apply it every morning as the final step in your skincare routine, before makeup. Don’t forget those easy-to-miss spots like the ears, neck, and the back of your hands.

Bonus Point: Opt for a formula with added antioxidants for an extra layer of protection. Try sunscreens with green tea extract or niacinamide.


Skipping Caffeine and Alcohol: Sobriety for Skincare

JLo credits part of her glowing complexion to avoiding caffeine and alcohol. While this might sound like a buzzkill, here’s why it’s worth considering:

  • Bye-Bye Dehydration: Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, meaning they can dehydrate your skin, making it look dull and tired.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Both can cause inflammation and puffiness, particularly around the eyes.

Practical Tip: Instead of reaching for that morning coffee or evening glass of wine, opt for hydrating beverages like green tea or fruit-infused water. Your skin (and your liver) will thank you.

JLo's Hydration Hack: Try warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. It’s hydrating, boosts digestion, and provides a good dose of Vitamin C, great for skin health.


Glycolic Acid Peels: The Glow Getter

One of the more scientific choices in JLo’s arsenal is glycolic acid peels. These peels are hailed for their ability to exfoliate and renew the skin’s surface.

  • Exfoliation Excellence: Glycolic acid, derived from sugarcane, gently removes dead skin cells, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath.
  • Skin Renewal: Encourages the growth of new skin cells and can even out skin tone and texture.

Practical Tip: If you’re a newbie, start with an at-home glycolic acid product with a lower concentration (around 5-10%). Apply it once a week to start and gradually increase frequency as your skin gets accustomed. Always follow up with a soothing moisturizer and SPF during the day to protect your fresh skin.

JLo’s Special Sauce: Consider getting professional-level glycolic peels once every 4-6 weeks for more profound results. Always consult with a dermatologist to tailor the treatment to your skin's needs.


The Unique Placenta Cream: An Unconventional Elixir

Here’s where it gets slightly unconventional. 

Jennifer Lopez reportedly swears by placenta cream. 

Yes, placenta, as in the nutrient-rich material that's expelled post-childbirth (and if you think using it in a face cream is strange, just wait until you hear about the people who’ve been eating it). 

It sounds strange, but here’s why some people, including JLo, are obsessed:

  • Nutrient-Rich: Placenta cream is packed with amino acids, proteins, and vitamins—heaven-sent for skin repair and rejuvenation.
  • Boosts Collagen: It’s believed to stimulate collagen production, which keeps the skin looking firm and youthful.

Practical Tip: If you’re curious but cautious, look for commercial placenta products derived from plant sources. They offer similar benefits without the unusual factor. Incorporate it as a night cream or under your regular moisturizer.

DIY Idea: Not ready for placenta? Try incorporating products with similar skin-repairing nutrients like peptides and growth factors. They’ll give you a similar rejuvenating effect without the strangeness.


Beauty Sleep: The Quintessential Component

We’ve all heard about beauty sleep, and JLo’s adherence to sufficient rest is no joke. The importance of sleep in her routine cannot be overstated.

  • Cell Renewal: Sleep is the golden time when your skin repairs itself and produces collagen.
  • Anti-Puffiness: Sufficient sleep reduces cortisol levels, preventing puffiness and those dreaded dark circles — and even making your pores look smaller.

Practical Tip: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep. Establish a bedtime routine that includes dimming lights, shutting off screens, and indulging in a brief, calming skincare ritual.

Insider Tip: Elevate your head with an extra pillow to prevent fluid buildup around the eyes. Also, consider using a silk pillowcase to minimize friction and prevent wrinkles.


The Meditation Mantra: Inner Peace Equals Outer Glow

Jennifer Lopez doesn’t just glow from her skincare; her inner peace radiates outward. She’s apparently an ardent practitioner of meditation and mindfulness.

  • Stress Relief: Reducing stress can have a major impact on your skin. Less stress means fewer breakouts and a reduction in cortisol levels, which cause skin issues.
  • Glow from Within: Inner tranquility reflects as outer radiance. Meditation promotes better sleep, better digestion, and generally balanced hormones—all factors that contribute to healthy skin.

Practical Tip: Even if you’ve never meditated before, start with 5 minutes of deep breathing and mindfulness each day. Use apps like Headspace or Calm if you need guidance.

Quick Routine: Before bed, perform a mindfulness practice coupled with your skincare ritual. As you massage your face with your products, focus on the sensation and breathe deeply. It’s skincare for your soul.


Practical Tips for Skincare Success

  1. Assess Your Skin Type: Before diving headfirst into new skincare products, get to know your own skin. Is it oily, dry, or combination? Understanding your skin type can save you a lot of hassle and prevent choosing the wrong products.
  • Pro Tip: If you’re unsure about your skin type, consult a dermatologist or try a quick online quiz to gain some insight.
  1. Patch Test New Products: Nobody likes surprises—especially when it comes to your skin. Always test new products on a small area of your skin (like your inner forearm) before slathering it all over your face.
  • Why It Matters: This small step can save you from the nightmare of allergic reactions or breakouts, keeping your skin journey smooth and on track.
  1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Hydration is the cornerstone of any robust skincare routine. Drink ample water throughout the day and use hydrating skincare products. JLo herself swears by it!
  • Consider This: Keeping a stylish reusable water bottle on hand can make it easier to hit those hydration goals.
  1. Consistency is Key: Skincare isn’t a one-time gig or a quick-fix solution. Being consistent with your routine is crucial. Stick to it diligently and give your skin time to adjust and benefit from the products you’re using.
  • Pro Tip: Set reminders on your phone if you’re just starting out with a new routine. Consistency breeds results over time.
  1. Listen to Your Skin: Your skin’s needs can change based on factors such as climate, nutrition, and stress levels. Pay attention to what your skin is telling you and adjust your routine accordingly.
  • Seasonal Adjustments: For example, switch to heavier creams in winter and lighter, hydrating serums in summer.


Bonus Tips: Elevate Your Skincare Game

To wrap things up, let’s sprinkle in a few more gems to help you elevate your skincare routine to JLo-level fabulousness:

  • Double Cleansing: This method involves starting with an oil-based cleanser to melt away makeup and grime, followed by a gentle foaming cleanser to remove any remaining impurities. This ensures a thorough cleanse and helps maintain clear, refreshed skin.
  • In Detail: The oil-based cleanser breaks down even the most stubborn makeup while the second cleanse sweeps away any residue, leaving your skin a pristine canvas for skincare products.
  • Face Masks: Indulge in a weekly face mask session. Opt for masks rich in natural ingredients like honey, avocado, or cucumber for an extra pampering experience.
  • DIY Delight: Mix your own masks at home using kitchen staples for a spa-like experience without the hefty price tag.
  • Sleep Well: Never underestimate the power of good sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. It’s during this time that your skin repairs and rejuvenates itself.
  • Sleep Hacks: Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule and create a calming nighttime routine to ensure deep, restful sleep.


Your Journey to Ageless Skin Begins Now

We can't all ring up a celebrity dermatologist on speed dial, but we can definitely borrow a page or two from JLo’s beauty playbook. 

From the simplicity of olive oil to the intrigue of placenta cream, her routine is a treasure trove of skincare wisdom. 

The key? Personalize these tips to fit your own lifestyle and skin type. With consistency, hydration, and a touch of JLo's eccentric flair, you’ll be on your way to a youthful, radiant glow that’ll have people guessing your age.

So, what are you waiting for? Your journey to healthier, more vibrant skin starts now. 

Give your skin the star treatment it deserves and let that inner glow shine through!

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