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Is Vitamin C Good Under Makeup? The Straight Facts

by Ella Goodman 17 Apr 2024

Alright, Gorgeous! 

Let's cut to the chase. 

We’re spilling the tea on one of the most hyped skincare debates in town: 

Is vitamin C good under makeup? 

Yup! You read it right. 

Buckle up 'coz we're gonna dive deep into the world of glow-boosting vitamin C. 

And we’re going to discover whether it’s BFFs or sworn enemies with your makeup.

Can I apply vitamin C before makeup?

Absolutely, darling! Vitamin C can and should be applied before makeup. 

But, let's dive into the nitty-gritty of why and how to do it correctly, to ensure your skin both glows and stays protected.

Vitamin C, or its much-loved alias ascorbic acid, has become a knockout star in skincare. It earns this stardom for its antioxidant prowess, combating rogue free radicals in our skin that play a lead role in aging. 

Plus, it aids collagen production, a substance our skin adores for maintaining plumpness.

So, applying vitamin C before your daily dollop of foundation? It's a big resounding 'yes' from skincare aficionados worldwide.

But one does not simply slap on vitamin C like a dab of rouge. Oh no! Consideration must be given to timing and application methods. Let's delve into this further.

Timing is crucial, friends. My advice? Apply it every morning, but after your cleanser and toner. 

Why, you ask? Vitamin C serums work best on clean, exfoliated skin. The cleaner the canvas, the more effective your vit C will be.

Now, the tricky part. Tread lightly when introducing vitamin C to your skincare routine. 

According to dermatologists, it's wise to start using vitamin C every other day, then gradually increase to daily use. This gentle approach avoids overwhelming your skin and reduces the possibility of a prickly reaction.

Hold on, we aren't finished. Because the next step is… waiting. Yes, waiting. 

Apply your vitamin C serum then allow it to soak in entirely, for about 15 minutes. It's a perfect time to brush your teeth, dance to your favorite tune, or contemplate your outfit for the day. 

This pause ensures the serum has ample time to penetrate the skin before the makeup application process.

Once you’ve allowed your skin to soak up all that goodness, hydrate! Seal the deal with a good moisturizer. An extra barrier of moisture? Your skin will say, 'thank you.' And voila, you're now ready to paint your canvas with your favorite makeup products.

Here's an insider tip: go for a foundation that offers broad-spectrum sun protection. Remember, vitamin C aids in thwarting UV damage, but it's not a sunscreen. Consider sunscreen your bodyguard, always there providing an extra layer of defense against those sneaky sun rays.

Using vitamin C before makeup isn't just vanity, darlings, it's science! It's a simple and effective way to maintain youthful, glowing skin. 

Remember, vitamin C is best friends with collagen, fights free radicals like its life depends on it, and provides some protection against the sun.

So, darling, next time you stand before your mirror armed with an arsenal of concealers, blushes, and highlighters, remember this: vitamin C first – then conquer! 

Applying vitamin C before makeup? Skincare experts cheer in agreement.

Can I add vitamin C to my foundation?

Well, yes. And a cheeky wink too, because it’s not a simple yes, but a "yes, but..." scenario. 

Let’s dive into the "but" parts, shall we?

Firstly, remember vitamin C can be a bit fussy. It loathes sunlight. Despises air. You get the idea.

It's like the rock star of skin-care ingredients - it needs its own dressing room away from the rest of the band (let's call the rest of the band your foundation, just to keep the analogy going). When exposed to light and air, vitamin C can oxidize and degrade. 

Result? It loses its oomph, its power, its brightening and collagen-boosting properties. 

So, on the face of it (skincare pun wholly intended), adding vitamin C directly to your foundation each morning might not be the best idea. 

The remedy? Add your vitamin C to your foundation on a per-use basis. 

Still with us? Great. Let's get technical then.

The serving suggestion for doling out this citric punch is relatively straight forward. Mix a small, finger-nail size dollop of pure vitamin C powder or liquid vitamin C oil with your usual amount of foundation just before application. 

Does it work? Indubitably, but it demands vigilance. A sudden change in color of your mixed concoction could indicate that the vitamin C has oxidized. That’s nature’s way of saying, ‘hold the phone, the good stuff has checked out’. 

Now, there's an important caveat coming up. The pH level of your foundation matters. 

Vitamin C functions well at a low pH (think 3.5-ish) and your foundation’s pH balance could interfere with its effectiveness. A top tip? Double check your foundation’s pH level to avoid any unwelcome complexion complexities.

So, here's the skinny: yes, you can add vitamin C to your foundation. But only if you're careful; freshness is crucial, and the pH level of your foundation can affect the functionality of the vitamin C. 

In conclusion? Go wild. Mix it up. But remember to pay attention to your potion. 

Harness the cheeky, citric tang of vitamin C carefully. Your skin might just thank you for it.

When should you not use vitamin C on your face?

If you're constantly bombarded with praises singing the magic wonders of vitamin C for your skin, and you wonder if there are occasions where you'd better skip using it, you've come to the right place.

Make no mistake - vitamin C is a beauty aria singing countless skin benefits. 

It's hailed as a radiant cure-all, loved for its brightening power, collagen boosting abilities, and a free radical fighting superstar. But like anything heavenly, sometimes the timing could be off. 

Let's delve into when you shouldn't sing vitamin C's praises on your face. 

Nix the mix. Any skincare junkie worth their salt knows not all skincare products are created to harmonize perfectly. 

Overcrowding a rock concert with ill-matched performers could lead to a lackluster performance. When it comes to vitamin C, it's no different. 

So when is it best to avoid applying vitamin C? 

It's when you're serenading your skin with retinol, benzoyl peroxide, or AHA/BHA (those fabulous chemical exfoliants). The active ingredients can react with vitamin C, turning the uplifting ballad into a sad tune of irritation. 

Now, you can use vitamin C with its more acidic friends if you know what you’re doing — but there’s a certain art to it.

What's the science, you ask? 

Well, these ingredients are not inherently evil to your skin, but they sway the pH value. Vitamin C, remember, thrives in an acidic environment, roughly a pH of 3.5. 

But retinol and company? They barrel towards neutrality, cranking up the pH value. So in layman's terms, it's a bit like trying to bake a cake at the wrong temperature - the outcome may not be as fantastic as you'd want it to be.

Next concert to avoid is when your skin has suffered sunburn. The last thing it needs is an acidic treatment. 

Vitamin C, abiding by its chemical nature, is, well… acid. Pouring it on a sunburned face is a fast pass to a painful stinging encore you'd rather not experience. 

Still thinking of using vitamin C on sensitive, dry or peeling skin? Picture taking a citrus bath after you've shaved your legs – a bass to the eardrum type of experience. 

Red, irritated or abraded skin will react to vitamin C like a noisy crowd to a bad pop song - with an inflamed response. Best to skip the C in such situations.

And finally, some of you are wondering: "Hey, I’ve got oily skin, surely I’m tougher?" 

Well, not exactly. Oily skin, especially if it’s prone to breakouts, already has an acid mantle that's under assault from excessive sebum and bacteria. 

Slathering acidic skincare products into this mix might worsen the situation. Try performing your vitamin C serenade on alternate nights, or stick to a milder dose. 

Remember this isn't to knock the mighty benefits of vit C. Not at all! It's about knowing your headliner and its compatibility with others on the bill. Great skincare is about a well-curated, harmonious routine that respects the chemistry of your skin. 

When commanded correctly, vitamin C will take the stage and perform like the superstar that it is. But never forget that even superstars need the right stage set-up. 

Is it okay to use vitamin C serum everyday?

The question that we keep seeing all over health and beauty forums is this one: Should you be using vitamin C serum everyday?

Now listen up, darlings—the answer is as unique as your skin type. 

For some of you out there with skin tougher than a rhino's hide, splashing this serum on everyday will bring nothing but joy, and the much sought after glow. 

But for those with more delicate complexions, the sensation of daily vitamin C could be akin to walking barefoot over a bed of hot coals—ouch! 

So let's tune in to what our skin is telling us, and adjust appropriately.

The professional skincare connection

Ever been envious of the luminous, spotlessly clear skin often showcased by beauty gurus? 

You're in the right place. Their secret weapons of choice include a disciplined skincare regimen, loaded with a generous sprinkle of — you guessed it — vitamin C! 

  1. The Glow Booster: Vitamin C plays a juicy role in those infamous 10-step skincare routines you’ve heard about, by transforming dull and weary skin into a radiant powerhouse. It's like switching the standby light to full scale party mode!

  2. The Chameleon: Vitamin C is no one-trick pony. It blends seamlessly into your beauty regime, finding its way into serums, ampoules, and even masks! It's ready to perform a skincare dance routine in a variety of costumes!

  3. The Insider Secret: That's right, many beauty connoisseurs swear by applying their vitamin C serum right after toning, but before launching into the sheet mask routine. Just imagine your skin soaking up all that nourishing goodness!

Headline act: Makeup ft. Vit C

So, lovelies, here's the deal. 

Vitamin C doesn't just bestow upon you that coveted glimmer under your layers of makeup - it's a magnificent little performer that uplifts your daily skincare act. 

So let's amp up the shimmer and bask unabashedly in that vitamin C spotlight. 

Remember, your glow tells a unique story that is yours, and only yours. 

So care for that skin confidently, radiate that unique beauty of yours robustly and remember — true beauty is being comfortable in your own skin!

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