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Can You Use Rosehip Oil With Vitamin C? The Answer’s Actually Quite Interesting

by Ella Goodman 04 Nov 2023

Alright, skincare aficionados and radiance-seekers!

Get ready to dive into the world of oils and vitamins.

Specifically, the glow-boosting duo of rosehip oil and vitamin C.

We're about to uncover if this tag-team can work in harmony on your skin or if they’re like oil and water (pun intended).

So, buckle up for a skin-nourishing journey that’ll have you saying, "Well, I'll be darned, that's some serious skin wisdom!"

Can I Use Rosehip Oil and Vitamin C Together?

Imagine this: rosehip oil and vitamin C bump into each other at a skin-soirée.

They’re both superstars in their own right—rosehip oil with its plush, hydrating velvet robe and vitamin C with its sparkly, antioxidant tiara. But can they dance together without stepping on each other's toes?

Let’s unwrap this with a bit of skincare science, shall we?

Rosehip oil, extracted from the seeds of wild rose bushes, is your skin’s knight in shining armor. It's brimming with vitamin A, which encourages skin cell turnover, and vitamin C, which is renowned for its skin brightening capabilities.

Not to mention, it's a banquet of essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which are the building blocks of healthy skin, and antioxidants that guard your skin like the Secret Service.

Then there's topical vitamin C, the belle of the ball when it comes to photoprotection and undoing the damage caused by those party crashers known as free radicals.

It’s an essential part of the skin’s defense team, not only fending off the aforementioned oxidative stress but also boosting collagen production—think of it as the support beams for firm, youthful skin.

Now, rosehip oil and vitamin C are quite the dynamic duo when they join forces. They complement each other's strengths like Holmes and Watson solving the mystery of dull, tired skin.

The fatty acids in rosehip oil help to stabilize the vitamin C, allowing it to fight the good fight against hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone more effectively. It’s like vitamin C is the flashy superhero, and rosehip oil is the trusty sidekick ensuring the hero doesn’t burn out too quickly.

But here's where you need to play skincare strategist.

You want to make sure that your vitamin C isn't just any run-of-the-mill potion. It needs to be well-formulated, with a pH level that allows it to absorb effectively without causing irritation.

The vitamin C should be in a stable form—like L-ascorbic acid, ascorbyl palmitate, or sodium ascorbyl phosphate—to ensure it doesn't throw in the towel before the job's done.

And about that stability? Rosehip oil is a natural emollient, which means it not only moisturizes but also forms a barrier on the skin’s surface.

This comes in handy for vitamin C, as this barrier can prevent the vitamin from oxidizing, which is when it gets overexposed to air and light and turns into that less effective, orange-tinted benchwarmer.

So how do you merge these two powerhouses in your daily routine?

Start with a clean canvas—your face, freshly washed. Pat on your vitamin C serum first; this allows the serum to directly contact the skin, ensuring that no obstacle stands between you and that glow.

Once it’s fully absorbed, bring in the rosehip oil. Its job is to seal the deal, locking in the vitamin C and adding an extra layer of moisture.

In essence, using rosehip oil with vitamin C isn’t just safe—it’s practically a cheat code for achieving radiant, resilient skin. This duo will have you looking in the mirror and thinking, “Wow, who is she?”.

What Goes First: Rosehip Oil or Vitamin C?

Sequence matters, friends! It’s like putting your socks on before your shoes to avoid a fashion faux pas.

Here’s the lowdown: Always apply your vitamin C first — if you are indeed using them separately. We say that, because combining them in the SAME serum is also a winning move!

But for separate applications, why vitamin C first?

Because vitamin C is all about that effective penetration, soaking into your skin faster than a compliment on a bad day.

Here’s a slice of the science pie: the pH of topical vitamin C is lower than your skin’s natural pH.

That means it loves an early entrance when your skin's natural oils haven't fully settled in after cleansing. This solo debut ensures it won't have to elbow its way through any barriers to get to the deeper layers of your epidermis, where it does its best work.

And that work includes neutralizing free radicals, boosting collagen synthesis, and lighting up your complexion like a well-placed highlight.

Now, give your vitamin C serum a hot minute (or a full 60 seconds, to be precise) to absorb.

This isn't the time to rush. Let that liquid gold fully commit to your skin—this is the moment for a quick dance break, texting a compliment, or plotting your breakfast.

Now enter rosehip oil, stage right. Or left. We don’t judge.

Think of this amber elixir as the encore everyone’s waiting for. Rosehip oil doesn't just strut in; it sweeps in with a flourish, sealing the deal.

It’s your moisturizing heavyweight, rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. These are like the bouncers of the skincare club, locking in hydration and preventing any actives from escaping the party early.

Rosehip oil also contains a form of vitamin A, a VIP in the skin regeneration process, complementing vitamin C's brightening bravado.

This oil’s molecular structure is larger; it’s an occlusive agent that locks in all the active ingredients and moisture by creating a protective film on the surface of the skin. It’s the top coat to your skincare manicure, the final protective seal on your masterpiece.

And because it’s chock-full of those natural antioxidants and vitamins, it doesn’t just shield; it nourishes, working in tandem with vitamin C to rejuvenate and revitalize your skin. The result? A radiant, plump, and happy complexion that's ready to face the day (or embrace the night).

So, in summary: Vitamin C first, let it settle, then rosehip oil to lock and roll.

What Should NOT Be Mixed With Rosehip Oil?

Now, rosehip oil is the friendly neighbor in the skincare community, but there are certain residents it should wave to from across the street rather than inviting over for a BBQ.

First up, retinols—a powerful ingredient that's like the ambitious go-getter of the skincare world.

Both retinols and rosehip oil have their versions of vitamin A, which means combining them could be overkill, like having two headliners on stage at the same time. It can lead to a cacophony of skin reactions instead of a harmonious concert.

This double dose of vitamin A can send your skin into a tailspin, causing dryness, peeling, and irritation, which is basically your skin putting up the 'do not disturb' sign.

Next in line are the AHA/BHAs—think of them as the exfoliating extroverts at the party.

They're fantastic for a good skin cell turnover shindig, but they like to work alone.

They lower the skin's pH to do their job effectively, while rosehip oil is more of a neutral player. When AHA/BHAs throw their pH-changing party, it can make the skin too acidic for rosehip oil to handle, causing it to shy away and not be as effective.

This might not turn into the worst scenario, but it could lead to irritation, especially if your skin is the sensitive type.

Let's not forget about the pure forms of vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid.

It's like the life of the party with its brightening properties, but it's also a bit finicky. It thrives in a specific acidic environment and can be destabilized by other ingredients.

Mixing it with oils, especially ones that are prone to oxidation like rosehip, could lead to effectiveness issues. Rosehip oil, rich in linoleic acid, can make ascorbic acid less stable, meaning the vitamin C could become less effective before it even has the chance to work its magic on your skin.

And then, there's the crowd of benzoyl peroxide and other harsh acne treatments.

They're the tough love type, obliterating acne with a strong hand. When rosehip oil, which is all about gentleness and healing, meets these harsh ingredients, it's like an indie folk band trying to jam with heavy metal.

The textures and actions just don't vibe, and this clash can lead to a disruption in your skin barrier, leaving it open to all sorts of rebellious reactions.

So, to keep your skin from turning into a battleground of ingredients, think of rosehip oil as your friendly, peace-loving hippie. It gets along best with hydrating serums, niacinamide, and sunscreen—these are the BFFs that complement its nature.

Keep the powerful actives for another part of your routine or alternate them, so everyone gets their time to shine without stepping on each other's toes.

Is It Better to Use Rosehip Oil at Night or Morning?

Ah, the timeless conundrum of skincare enthusiasts everywhere – when is the prime time to let rosehip oil work its charm?

Is it under the gentle morning sun, or is it under the cloak of starry night?

Let’s start with morning, the time when the world stirs awake and your skin prepares to face the elements.

Here, rosehip oil steps in as the gallant guardian. It's like that friend who brings you a smoothie in the morning; it's there to nourish and prep your skin.

If you choose to apply rosehip oil as the sun peeks through your blinds, think of it as a layer of armor against pollution and a stressful day. Its antioxidants are the knights in shining armor, warding off the environmental dragons that breathe free radicals and UV rays.

Plus, it provides a lush hydration that can make your foundation look like it was professionally airbrushed, leaving you with a glow that whispers, “Yes, I did wake up like this.”

But, ah, the plot thickens as we turn the page to nighttime.

The night is a time of recovery, not just for our weary bodies but for our skin, too. As the moon takes its high seat, your skin switches from protect mode to repair mode. It's no longer about shielding; it's about healing.

And this, my friends, is where rosehip oil pulls out its evening gown and gets to work. Nighttime is when the skin's permeability is at its peak – a fancy way of saying your skin is ready to drink up all that rosehip goodness more effectively.

The oil’s rich composition of essential fatty acids and vitamins goes into ninja mode, repairing the day’s damage and fortifying skin cells.

During these precious nocturnal hours, the skin's metabolism increases, and cell turnover gets busier than a beehive.

Rosehip oil, with its vitamin A (a natural retinol), whispers sweet nothings to collagen production, encouraging it to plump up the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines as you chase REM cycles.

And let’s not forget, without the risk of sun exposure, the vitamin C found naturally in rosehip oil can get to work on repairing discoloration and boosting radiance without a UV ray in sight to diminish its powers.

So, is rosehip oil better suited for the sunrise or moonrise?

If you're seeking a simple answer, night might just edge out as the victor for the full regal treatment. But truly, rosehip oil does not discriminate against the sun or moon. It’s a 24-hour kind of love affair.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, your guide to mastering the art of using rosehip oil with vitamin C.

By now, you should be feeling like a skilled mixologist of skincare, ready to whip up a concoction that’ll leave your skin thirsting for more.

Remember to listen to your skin—it’s the ultimate guru, after all.

With a little bit of know-how and a splash of experimentation, you’re well on your way to glow-town with your new besties, rosehip oil, and vitamin C!

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